1: Join us as we uncover the secret meetings that led Ja Morant to choose Lift Sports Management. Behind Closed Doors reveals the inside story.

2: Discover the behind-the-scenes negotiations that swayed Ja Morant's decision. Lift Sports Management won him over in private discussions.

3: Ja Morant's journey to Lift Sports Management was shrouded in secrecy. Peek behind Closed Doors to learn how the deal was sealed.

4: Uncover the secrets of Ja Morant's decision-making process. Lift Sports Management's closed-door meetings played a key role.

5: Explore the exclusive meetings that shaped Ja Morant's future. Lift Sports Management's behind-the-scenes strategy proved successful.

6: Inside look at the covert talks that convinced Ja Morant. Lift Sports Management's discreet meetings led to a groundbreaking partnership.

7: Delve into the private discussions that led Ja Morant to Lift Sports Management. Behind Closed Doors reveals the pivotal moments in his decision.

8: Lift Sports Management's confidential meetings with Ja Morant were a game-changer. Discover the hidden conversations that influenced his choice.

9: Witness the power of behind-the-scenes negotiations in Ja Morant's decision. Lift Sports Management's secret meetings set the stage for success.